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Five reasons to make an asynchronous Writing Center appointment

Virtual tutor at the library

Asynchronous tutoring is a type of tutoring in which the writer and tutor are not communicating with each other in real time. Instead, the student submits their paper and states what they would like the tutor to address. The tutor then reads the paper and leaves feedback on it. But why should you book an asynchronous appointment? Here are the top reasons to make an asynchronous appointment with a writing tutor.

Schedule flexibility

Have you ever wanted to make a writing center appointment but the availability didn’t work for your schedule? Book an asynchronous appointment! Since asynchronous appointments don’t require you to be online at the time of your appointment, these appointments can work with any schedule.

Tailored feedback

Do you have a few questions or writing concerns that could use some feedback? An asynchronous tutor will specifically address your concerns that you want feedback on. Be sure to write what you want the asynchronous tutor to address and they will leave comments and suggestions based on these concerns.


Do you live far from campus or have limited access to transportation? Asynchronous appointments don’t require you to come to campus. Simply fill out your appointment form from anywhere and wait for your tutor to return your paper.

Pre-submission feedback

Do you have an assignment that you need to turn in soon, but you want an extra set of eyes on your paper before turning it in? Asynchronous appointments can help with identifying any areas for improvement before you turn your paper in. This gives you time to revise before you submit your assignment for grading.

Additional learning experience

Are you looking to become a better writer? Asynchronous appointments encourage active learning as you take ownership of your writing process. By requesting specific feedback and revising your work based on suggestions, you actively participate in your own learning and writing skill development.

Ready to book your appointment? Visit and schedule a tutoring session today! We look forward to working with you.

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